Workshop Area | 16 Metres x 60 Metres |
Floor Area | 1100 metres 2 |
Labour Force | 35 Fully Qualified Tradesmen |
Lifting Facilities in shop | Two Overhead Travellers
1 x 2 Tons and 1 x 12 Tons |
Balancing Machine | Max. Wt:. 11 Ton x Max. Length: 13 ft 10 ins x Max. Diam 7 ft x 6 ins |
Machines Available | Various |
Coupled with a matching varnishing tank we can handle the biggest motors and generators normally found on board. Varnishing impregnation is done by dipping and babing. Dynamic balancing of rotors up to 1000 kgs is done in this shop, bigger rotors can be balanced in the mechanical shop. In the test bay, both a.c. and d.c. motors can be load tested and run. Tests of electrical machinery up to 440V ( DC or AC) on no load can be handled. Whilst Pressure Testing of windings is done up to 60 KV. We have modern testing equipment
operated by trained and experienced men. All work is done to Electrical
Apparatus Service Association standard.